Yamba Yoga Festival


Yamba Yoga Festival


Find your flow

Enjoy yoga at your own pace with a variety of styles and teachers.

Yoga for everyone

Beginners and first-time yogis try Hatha, Yin, Kundalini and deeply relaxing yoga nidra. Work up to more challenging yoga flows.

Experienced yogis extend yourselves with dynamic Vinyasa flows and multiple classes. Or try a different flavour of yoga for the first time.

Go deeper

Deepen your practise with guidance from experienced yogis.

Meet the 2020 tribe.

(Click photos to see bios.)

Jessica Wilson

Rejuvenate your senses and find inner transformation through the power of sound. Jessica has 850 hours YTT in Hatha  & 125 hours in Nada Yoga her mission is to provide a healing, balanced practice for you.

Brooke Donlan

My name is Brooke I am an animal loving, yoga devotee, philosophy bookworm and mindfulness advocate and I am here on a mission. I believe that my path is sharing the teachings of unity, mindfulness, yoga and self realisation. 

Shakti Burke

Joyful Mind

It was yoga-love at first sight when Shakti began her yoga journey on the Australia Day long weekend of 1985. Amid the birdsong and forests of Mangrove Mountain, as a 25 year old, her life changed course overnight.


Global Healing

A writer, published author & inspirational speaker, Honey Nguyen is registered as a 200 ERYT and 500 RYT teacher who has been practising yoga for over 20 years since the age of 18.

Jo Kelly

Cafe Mantra Music

Jo brings the rich tradition of Vedic mantra and devotional song to the stage with a beautiful soothing voice, stirring melodies and harmonium accompaniment.

Siri Shakti Kaur

Siri Shakti Yoga

Access deep awareness & transformation with Kundalini. Siri Shakti Kaur has extensive Kundalini, Sound & Yoga Therapy training she will help you share the joy of living in your heart, connecting with your self & being one with all.

Louise Tanner

Louise has been practicing yoga since 2016 and completely fell in love with the magic of movement and breath within the yoga practice.  Louise has been a lover of many types of yoga, though always came back to Vinyasa and Bikram style as she found they really balanced each other out.

Chaitanya Morly-Southall

Yogini and Yoni Healer Chaitanya, helps women connect to the passion, power and wisdom of their wombs.Teaching yoga practices that honour the feminine body and the sacredness of the womb, Chaitanya combines the richness of yoga with the juicyness of embodied experience.  

James Travers-Murison


James is an internationally qualified yoga teacher and was a lawyer from Melbourne who worked in top international firms worldwide. Has over 25 years experience in yoga worldwide.

Delamay Devi

Born and raised in Australia’s yoga mecca and lush surroundings of Byron Bay, northern NSW Australia. Delamay began her teaching journey in 1996 as a dance teacher and since 2006 she has been actively teaching yoga and sharing embodied practices around the globe. 

Dunja Vairaktaris

With a passion for creativity and an appreciation of simplicity, Dunja Vairaktaris fell in love with the philosophy of yoga about 14 years ago. Over the years her love of Yoga gave her the inspiration to swap her office job for an alternate lifestyle and become a Holistic Therapist, specialising in Meditation, Holistic Counselling and Shamanic Healing.

Lydia Burth

Yoga Kula Byron Bay

Lydia is an Anusara Elements™ Yoga Teach, Sound Healer/Therapist, Hormone Yoga Teacher, Prana Healer, Massage Therapist, Cranio Sacral Therapist, Womens group facilitator and mother of 3 beautiful children. Facilitating healing and guiding people on their journey to reunite with the source of love is my passion.

Aimo Javier

A certified taichi and qigong instructor, Aimo’s journey with taichi began in the UK at the turn of the millenium. Originally he learned wu style to heal old injuries and know more about how the body and energy works. Since then he studied tai chi as a martial art in Malaysia through a traditional system of discipleship and is now also practising South East Asian combative arts. 

Anne Forkert

Anne experienced her first yoga lesson at the age of 19 in Germany, in her country of origin. At the time, yoga wasn’t trendy in Germany, and this made Anne curious to learn more. She was pleasantly surprised by the emphasis yoga places on the connection between movement and breath, and to this day, believes the key to yoga is to stay connected to your breath. 

Brenda Boeder

Brenda is an internationally accredited QiYoga instructor and “healing foods” activist. She has been teaching yoga for 9 years and finds it to be a practical tool for cultivating peace and inner transformation. Yoga illuminated the healing potential that she had been looking for in her study of  Psychology and Holistic Nutrition. Her practice is important to her because it revitalises the mind and body, allowing her to embrace life with both hands. 

Kathryn Riding

Kathryn is a teacher of voice, movement and yoga with more than 30 years’ experience. Kathryn is a graduate of WAAPA and has taught at some of Australia’s finest training institutions including NIDA, WAAPA, QUT and the Northern Rivers Conservatorium. She is also a regular member of the faculty at the acclaimed Summersong Music Camp, where she teaches movement and voice. She also runs a studio in Brunswick Heads where she teaches weekly classes.

Drawn to share at the festival?

Send us a message on facebook or email us.

Immerse yourself with a weekend of unlimited yoga & mindfulness.

Find a new flow, embrace wellness and spiritual awakening at the Yamba Yoga Festival this September. Reconnect and heal in a friendly community atmosphere with supportive yoga instructors, mindfulness, philosophy and workshops. All in the unique scenic surrounds of Yamba and the Clarence Valley.

Retreat & indulge with a weekend of unlimited yoga and mindfulness. Transcend daily life and activate new beginnings as local and national yoga teachers share their gifts with you. Festival entry includes unlimited access to all classes and activities so you can enjoy a wide variety of styles in classes tailored for all levels of yogi, from new to experienced.

All sessions are included with entry so you can enjoy dynamic flows, gentle yoga, yin, vinyasa, yoga nidra, kundalini,  hatha and much more, all at your own pace. Then bliss out with live soundbaths or go deeper with meditations and workshops.

Transformation awaits you.


thumb_02_60_60Sasha Leong

“Great vibes from the community, love the location; I felt so zen after four back-to-back sessions. It was a day of letting go and reflecting ”

thumb_02_60_60 Nette Jordan

“What an amazing weekend. Well organised. Great, fantastic, amazing….. yoga. ”

thumb_03_60_60Cherie Gaskin

“What an absolutely amazing day. I honestly couldn’t fault any of it. Fantastic teachers and range of classes, the venue was just perfect.”


“…a great opportunity to try new classes and experience the different teaching styles. And importantly to be in a room with lots of good energy.”

See you on the matt in Yamba.

Raymond Laurie Sports Centre, 78 Angourie Rd, Yamba NSW.


How will COVID19 affect the yoga festival?

The festival will use the venues COVID-19 guidelines and current government advice to form the event safety plan. The venue can provide 4sqm to each participant as required by NSW health and will encourage social distancing.

How experienced do I need to be?

Classes will be on offer for all yoga skill levels. You might be returning to yoga, trying your first ever yoga class or a yogi with meany years experience. 

What do I need to bring?

Your Yoga mat and water bottle. For restorative yoga practice a blanket and bolster will mean you can relax and enjoy. No yoga mats will be available for hire.

What is included with entry?

Weekend and one day passes include unlimited yoga and festival activities for the duration of the ticket. One day passes can be used on either day of the yoga festival.

Does the event cater for children?

With no specific kids yoga classes, participation in yoga is reccomended for children 16 and over. Children under 13 can enter the event for free with a paying adult for supervision.

More questions?

Send us a message on facebook.

Yoga teachers, join the tribe and share a class.

We are always looking for yoga teachers, sound bath facilitators, kirtan musicians, workshop presenters and meditation/breath-work facilitators who are drawn to share at our Yoga Festivals.

Or send us a message on facebook.